next clip with beautiful red haired leviana! for this first clip of her we made a great one for our crushing fans. its a good ole tradition in germany to have xmas-calendars. mostly they are filled with chocolate for every door of december until 24th. hidden behind a closed door you have to wait daily for a piece of chocolate. the usual thing, but as sadistic bitch leviana hates old traditions and as she hates everything that YOU like its best for her to destroy YOUR thats what she does in this clip, looking somehow cute with a colourful summer-robe and perfect fitting well worn ballerinas. first she has some problems to crush the calendar, but then she has the right the end of this clip its all a piece of mess with chocolate pieces, plastic and is the way leviana likes YOUR calendar! xcellent new clip with a phantastic mistress! clip duration: 5. 55 mins.