I instructed my slave to clean the bathroom and wash my clothes. I also told him specifically, to clean the latex bodybag. When I arrived back he hadnt cleaned the bodybag. I sked him why not and he said he had forgot. To I decided to punish him by putting him in the bodybag and placing him in the bath. Hes going to learn to do what I tell him. I am going to take a shower, while at the same time make my slave suffer. I turn on the water and leave him to see it rising around his encased latex body. He struggles and begins to panic. Of course, he cant escape his confinement. I come back and step into the bath to shower. As I swash and shower, I make sure he has plenty of water splashed on him. I then decide to give him a treat. I use hand over mouth smother while spraying water on his face. He cant breath and begins to choke. I also give him some footgagging just to make sure he chokes even more. As I finish my shower, I leave the water running. Im going to leave my slave in the bath to squirm and struggle, as he watches helplessly at the water level rising. There can only be one outcome for him. What a lucky slave to have had the luxury of showering with Mistress .
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