Today, Im with my beautiful Mistress friend and we are on the mats. We were going to do some martial arts training together, however we changed our minds and decided on something a little more relaxing. I have a slave waiting in the corner, and decided to tell him to join us on the mat. Hes such a flabby bitch and needs to be toned up a bit. What better way than to have two beautiful mistresses jump on him and marmalize his unhealthy flab. I begin with some standing and jumping techniques, and quickly have our bitch squealing. My friend then takes a turn at giving him a good stamping, before she jumps on him. With all that flab hes like a trampoline as we pulverize him more and more. Theres no escape, and hes making a bit of noise. So I stand on his face and head to shut him up, while my friend continues to jump and amuse herself, pressing her feet into his cock and balls. Finally we decide our bitch has had enough, and we order him to crawl back to his corner. We might bring him back later and use him to practice our martial arts. What a bruising .
Kathy’s First Experience – Hi Quality Damn! Heres another hot clip where 18 y. o. Kathy smothers a guys face with her ...
Weak For Jeans Watch me as I tease you mercilessly with my tight designer Richmond jeans. Yes I ...
Amelia’s Restful Readingsion Amelia likes to read and rest her sweaty tired feet after a long day with her ...
Christin – Shoe Change Mov here is our next clip of one of the sweetest lady YOU will ever see. with a ...
Poison Aroma Sissy Transformation Are you ready for your transformation? Pssst, no more talking, no more thinking! ...
Superficial Dreamgirl – Hi Quality Damn! What an irresistible Princess! The only bad thing with Cindy is that she ...
Best Of Disgusting Muddy Shoes Anb Feet Worship six clip of disgusting muddy or feet licking. Mistress Lea, Maeva, Kitty, Lydie ...
Black Leather Shoes And Green Sneaker Socks Kim 20 lie on the couch and takes off her black leather shoes and green sneaker ...
Oster-wichserei – Bring Farbe Ins Spiel... Deinen Hangover von gestern hast du heute sicher hinter dir, darum darfst du dir ...
Tongue Twister A new way of torture. If you speak bad, you get bad back. Listen and look how I ...
Katy Plays With Her Slave Girl Pretty, young mistress Katy van Strange plays with her foot slut. She wants the ...
Carolyn’s Sweaty Socks Challenge –... Carolyn also heard about that crazy socks challenge so she wouldnt miss the ...