The film features three girls Julia, Marta, and Ewa and two guys Don and Wojtek. We edited 20 minutes of material out of three hours of footage. At first the girls, who are wearing winter shoes, are trampling a guy who is chained to the wall. Then they switch to high-heels and doc martens, which leave visible marks on the body. What next? The film includes: three girls on top of one guy, one of the guys picks up the girls with his arms, the girls stepping on his hands with their heels, walking and flamenco dancing on a plank that is placed on top of the guy, stomping on the guys stomach in the doc martens, as well as standing with the soles of those heavy boots on his head they were new. The film was shot with a Samsung camera on a DV cassette. Time: 19. 40 min. REMASTERED - movie from 2003.