Includes - pov- ebony - mindfuck - cuckolding - taboo - hot wife - hot wives - erotic taboo - cheating confessions - entrapment - plans to cheat - blackmail fantasy - home wrecker Here honey, I brought you something to drink. I thought you might appreciate it, especially as youve been so stressed out lately with this project. Ah, I know its over-running so Ill leave you to it. But I have something I need to talk to you about. When can we do that?Oh you have time now?, you see hon I just needed to let you know that I love you and I love being married to you. Id never dated a white guy before I got with you, but you changed my mind about all the things I used to assume about white guys. But lately youve just been off sex with me. Its got me I know I shouldnt have done it, but I couldnt help went on your computer and checked out your browser Big black cock porn hon!?!? Are you serious?Is there something you need to tell me? Are you gay?What?!?Youve been thinking about ME having sex with a black guy? You couldnt get the thought of my exes out of your mind? Are you serious?Wow! Ive thought about But I took our vows very seriously. Forsaking all others and all cmon sweetie dont push it. Yes I still remember my exs phone number. You know if I call him hes going to want to fuck. Hes a dirty but the sex was so good! Dont dare me to do I will you chance to back out of cant be I make this call right now theres no going back you s no taking it ll have made your wife cheat. All while your head is buried in your project...Picks up phone and dials a number from memoryHello, is that .
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Inhale Cunt Meets Blackmail Sniffing Inhale and being driven into the dependency of your goddess with ...
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